Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bring me the horizon -count your blessings- album review[my take on things]

i have reviewed this bands other , newer album, and i feel i should review their first, "count your blessings" just to complete the whole package and all.This band is one of my very , very favorites, and on this cd, [ although they sort of have a different style from their other album- from deathcore to metalcore, - we already went over this in the other review- it still sounds EPIC-AWESOME-TASTY-HARDCORE -LICIOUS!!! ya.. i wrote that...] they still provide you with the same old funny and ridiculous song titles- like " braille[for stevey wonders hands only]", " i used to make out with medusa" , ''pray for plauges" and " fifteen fathoms and counting"[their only slow, pretty , acoustic, wordless song that you can relax to... that is very rare for bring me , if you think about it] and with titles as weird as that, you are bound to hear some really good music[ if you like deathcore like this... i know i do] as i said before in their first review, most good bands do come from the U.K [ where else right?] and earlier in their career they had a little trouble being excepted as a legit deathcore band, just trying to get by.But now.. they are excepted more than '' a little" now its- ALOT!! respected more then excepted for that matter. i give this album a 4 1/2 stars- screamo- hardcore- post metal- amazingness!!!!thats the way that bring me the horizon rolls!!

1 comment:

  1. hey could u put both those albums on my "valentines CD"
    -Proudly annoying pedestrians since 1972-Sean
