Saturday, January 17, 2009

protest the hero - fortress-[ my take on things] album review 2

[ first of all , if there are words or titles in parenthesis , those are song names from the album.. so ya.. read on.. ]This band out of Ontario , Canada , has just churned out their second album. They put out an album earlier in their career , " kieza" that was a concept album. [i can't recall what about] yet in this one , a plot really isn't present.. pretty much aside from a few lyrics like "Genghis khan is upon us , he slays his betrayers" [ bloodmeat]and others mentioning old time-ey , war references and ..... somehow about , goddess worshiping . [ basically the word blood, can be heard at least 3 times every 5 songs or so, is the point ] .. [ even if you could understand what in the world they are actually saying.. they scream quite a bit.] And do violent words and tasty guitar riffs , like they do, make a good album? ... YES!! as a matter a fact the way the cover art is put together.. you know that you are about to purchase an EPIC album!! [ album cover to the right , courtesy of Google images... awesome right?.. i thought so.] The sometimes IMPOSSIBLY high sounding voice of their lead singer, his low screams, crashing drum solos, bass and guitar breakdowns ,[bone marrow- palms read] can make you think.. wow.. could this be any better? well no!! because that's as good as it gets .. because all of that , in fact - equals - a memorable thrashing experience!! [ and if you got confused with that sentence .. it was a POSITIVE thing .. ya know .. in case protest the hero or their fans are reading . I am one , just by the way.] and with music like this , i have to give this one 4 1/2 stars .. because they SHRED!!!!

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